Friday, February 19, 2010

Cima da Conegliano (Conegliano, 2/26/10-6/2/10)

Cima da Conegliano: Poet of the Landscape
Conegliano, Palazzo Sarcinelli - from Feb. 26 to Jun. 2, 2010

"Thanks to the extraordinary support of the greatest museums in the world - from London to Washington, from Los Angeles to Lisbon, Moscow and Saint Petersburg, from Florence to Milan, Venice and Parma, namely - for one hundred days our public will have the opportunity to admire the supreme masterpieces painted by one of the geniuses of Italian Renaissance.
Besides big altarpieces, devotional works and mythological panels - often produced for bride’s marriage chests - may be admired as the artworks which made Cima da Conegliano the greatest interpreter of Venetian humanistic culture.
Thus, Cima’s works will come back home, hosted in the rooms of the sixteenth- century Palazzo Sarcinelli, which underwent restoration for the occasion.
Thanks to dedicated sections, this exhibition will also offer the opportunity of a continuous comparison and reference between the depicted landscape and the real one. An opportunity not to be missed, in order to enjoy the works by the poet of the landscape in the city which inspired him, in a place which left a deep mark on the artist."

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