Sunday, September 12, 2010

A picture of Italy in the movie 'Somewhere' by Sofia Coppola

A sequence of the movie Somewhere by Sofia Coppola [awarded the Golden Lion] has been set in Milan: Johnny Marco, the main character, and his eleven-year-old daughter Cleo arrive in Italy to take part at the Telegatto Awards. Just landed, the American actor is interviewed by a TV journalist asking very stupid questions and repeating the truistic answers for a supposed not intelligent audience; during the ceremony, the actor cannot speak and he is surrounded by undressed dancers. Cleo is sitting in the audience and she looks very different from the people sitting around her.
The sequence depicts the low level of the Italian television and society, dominated by a subculture where intelligence is banned and appearance prevails.
The encounter between father and daughter encourage Johnny to face up to where he is in life and confront the question that we all must: which path in life will you take? Will Italians do the same?

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